Wine Survivor – FINAL DAY!!

Wine Survivor – FINAL DAY!!

Wow, what an incredible 10 days this has been. We would love to thank everyone who participated in this year’s Wine Survivor. Your contributions are so important to us and we are beyond thankful.

We would also like to again thank our two “Champagne Sponsors” Pacific Wine & Spirits & Fresh Focus Media!

Today’s forecast is partly cloudy with 100% chance of wine for the team “The Sipranos” which is taking home 20 bottles of wine!

Today is the big day – our final draw – we’ll be doing it live on Facebook shortly after […]

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Wine Survivor Day 9!

Wine Survivor Day 9!

Feeling sad about making your way over to Exile Island? It isn’t good to keep things bottled up! Call up a friend to chat about your wine woes, but don’t forget, you could still win a little somethin’ somethin’ in the Exile Island draws!

Can you believe we only have 1 days left until the Ultimate Wine Survivor of 2022 is crowned?! We’d say it was a good day for Kenneth of team Sloth Dragons Volleyball who did have the misfortune of having their name drawn first tonight, but alas, a bottle of wine isn’t too bad […]

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Wine Survivor Day 8!

Wine Survivor Day 8!

Grape minds think alike… and it seems our best team name contest is well underway! So far, we “Pour Choices” is still holding the lead, and “The Sipranos” and “Who’s Wine is it Anyway” are tied in second! Don’t forget, voting closes at 10:00am on December 16th, so please make sure to get your votes in! This has been an exciting week for all of you who are still left in the game. Is your team still holding on? Find out here:

We know it sucks being picked last but congrats to Jacqueline from team “Wine Not” […]

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Wine Survivor Day 7!

Wine Survivor Day 7!

It’s going to be a wine-derful day! We are very sorry to see some of you moving to Exile Island… But you still get a chance to win as long as at least one of your teammates makes it through. Plus, we have a separate draw for everyone who’s been eliminated. Without a chateau of doubt, it’s time to brace yourselves…here we go again…check out if you chardon-stayed or chardon-went to exile island in today’s eliminations:


Joy oh Joy! Shout out to Joy from The Cork Screws who won a bottle of wine for being picked first […]

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Wine Survivor Day 6!

Wine Survivor Day 6!

Day SIX!! What?? Where does the wine… I mean time go?! We are already onto Week Two my spirited wine aficionados! Good news this week, all our wine is being delivered, which makes it one step closer to possibly making it to your door! How exciting! We’ve made some headway with eliminations this morning, another 100 numbers were drawn and more people headed over to exile island. Congrats to Rhonda from the Cheeky Wine Chicks for having her name drawn last tonight, a bottle of wine on us just for your luck! Check out if you are still standing or […]

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