Embracing the Double Rainbow

Embracing the Double Rainbow

By: Emily Coombs, University of Calgary, Counselling Psychology 

Embracing the Diverse Tapestry of Humanity

Welcome, dear readers, to a groundbreaking blog series that delves into the captivating intersection of LGBTQ+ identity and autism. As we embark on this enlightening journey, we will uncover the unique experiences and perspectives of individuals who reside at the fascinating crossroads of these two integral aspects of their lives.

In a world where diversity is the cornerstone of progress and understanding, it is crucial that we open our minds and hearts to the beautiful complexity of human existence. Both the LGBTQ+ community and the autistic community have historically […]

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What’s the deal with Housing?

What’s the deal with Housing?

Written by Autism Edmonton’s Housing Coordinator, Drewe Rowbotham

What’s the deal with housing these days! Everyone needs it, however it’s always too expensive. Once you finally sell the shirt off your back to get it, you are so overwhelmed trying to keep it that you can’t organize the supports you need to live comfortably!

I wish there was a resource for folks to search various housing directories and then pair those options with independent living supports!

Wait there is!!!! https://autismalberta.ca/housing/

And another thing, why aren’t more places pet friendly? It seems like our furry friends have been unfairly labelled as liabilities. My cat keeps our […]

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Autism Edmonton Newsletter: July 2023

Autism Edmonton Newsletter: July 2023

I was so excited to write this article! I am a huge podcast person. I enjoy the fact that it feels like I’m having a conversation with someone else, everywhere I go.

The first podcast I started listening to is called “Oh, that’s just my autism.” The podcast actually follows a timeline of a mother in her 40s, realizing she may be autistic and the process she went through to discover that, and the process of getting diagnosed. The episodes are usually between 15-20 minutes, which worked great for myself as I usually lose interest in a podcast after […]

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Autism Related Podcasts – Some Recommendations!

Autism Related Podcasts – Some Recommendations!

Written by Alarie Guhle, Family Supports Coordinator – Autism Edmonton

I was so excited to write this article! I am a huge podcast person. I enjoy the fact that it feels like I’m having a conversation with someone else, everywhere I go.

The first podcast I started listening to is called “Oh, that’s just my autism.” The podcast actually follows a timeline of a mother in her 40s, realizing she may be autistic and the process she went through to discover that, and the process of getting diagnosed. The episodes are usually between 15-20 minutes, which […]

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